Friday, 19 January 2018

Maths Homework 19.1.18

Click on the link for any of the following websites. Choose one of the games to play to help you with your understanding of addition and subtraction that we have been learning this week in class.
Remember to add a comment after you have played it and include your name.

Mathsframe website is great for games and activities to play at home to help you with your learning.

Mathsframe Games      (Choose any of the games that have a FREE sign written on them.)

Snappy Maths website also has lots of games available to play. You can also download worksheets to help you practice your written methods.

Adding / Subtracting multiples of 100 (3-digit)

Adding / Subtracting multiples of 10 (3-Digit)

Adding / Subtracting multiples of 10 (2-digit)

Top Marks website covers different areas of the curriculum - meaning it's a great way to support your learning in English and Maths.

Addition and Subtraction Mission


  1. I did the maths frame game and it was so much fun I had to do it 5 times here is some sums:
    649-348=301 997-652=345 653-400=253 774-12=202 663-432=231.

  2. I liked the game with the teddy.


  3. I liked the two games I played, which were called....
    Crystal Crash Addition and Colum Subtraction.
    My favourite one was Colum Subtraction because it helps with my learning, and we do colum addition and colum subtraction alot in school.


  4. I found the tasks I did fun, the one I did was snappy maths, and I think it helped my learning.

    Miley Woodhead

  5. I liked the alien attack game because it was a fun way of making bonds of 100.


  6. I liked the game that we did because it helped me learn more about adding and subtracting by finding out the answer by doing the column method.

  7. I really liked it I did the 3 times of 100 it was quite easy I got 3 out off 3.

  8. I really enjoyed the game and it helped me with my Maths. I surprised myself by getting so many right. Jay

  9. I played all of the games but my favourite game was the top marks game because it was fun and hopefully it will help me with my work.

  10. when I first started the game,I found it quite challenging,but,as I kept trying, it gradually got easier for me. My highest score was 50/50


  11. hadith. I really liked some of these games. the car adding games was very good.

  12. I played a game on multiplication and I got up to garden number 10, and the game goes up to 10!
    I never knew that I would get quite alot of points, I never knew that I would get 10/10!

